Tips and Tricks for Parking Your Camper

Parking a camper isn’t always as easy as parking a car. In order to safely sleep in your rig overnight, you’ll need to both level and stabilize your model before you can lay your head down to rest. While this may take a little time and practice, once you get the hang of things you’ll find parking your camper is as easy as pie! To learn how to safely park, level, and stabilize your camper, all you need to do is read through our helpful instructions below.

Level Your Camper

To ensure your RV’s cabinets and doors aren’t constantly falling open and your items don’t go rolling across countertops and floors, you’ll need to level your camper before you head out to explore the great outdoors. To begin, you’ll need to round up a bubble level, a few small ramps, and some leveling blocks to get your camper sitting evenly on the ground. Start by laying your bubble level down on the floor of your rig to see which way your model is leaning. Once you know where your camper needs to be lifted, go ahead and set your ramps and level blocks down directly in front of the correct tires. Using your tow vehicle, carefully pull your camper up onto the blocks, getting out regularly to ensure they’re sitting squarely on the cubes. You’ll also want to check your bubble level repeatedly as well, continuing to make adjustments till the bubble is sitting safely in the center of the level bar.

Stabilize Your Camper

To keep your camper from shaking to and fro as you move around inside, make sure to stabilize your rig after it’s been leveled. If your camper already has stabilizing equipment installed, this can easily be done with the push of a button. If not, you’ll need to purchase a few helpful jacks for your rig—although the number may vary depending on your model’s size and weight. To begin, place your jacks all around your camper, making sure they’re spaced evenly from each other. Begin cranking each jack up a little at a time, being careful not to overextend one jack too far and risk toppling your rig. Crank the jacks until your camper’s wheels are just off the ground, then use your bubble level to ensure your model is still adequately leveled. If everything checks out, you’re free to put your things away and start enjoying your amazing vacation!

Missing a few of the helpful tools we’ve listed in our article above? Then feel free to visit us here at Johnny’s RV Superstore to grab everything you need! Our convenient location here in Theodore, Alabama offers an enormous stock of helpful RV parts, products, and tools for sale, and we proudly serve the nearby cities of Mobile and Grand Bay, Alabama as well.

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