Are you looking for tips to help you get your full-time RVing life off the ground? As a full-time RVer, I’ll show you the best tips we’ve found from two years in our fifth wheel and how to prepare for life in an RV. Check out these amazing RV tips to get ready for full-time RVing.

Use the 3:30 Rule
We make a point to use the 3:30 rule whenever we travel. This rule means that we limit our amount of travel to 330 miles or 3:30 hours on the road, whichever feels the most comfortable, and our goal is always to arrive at the campground by 3:30, no later. This gives us time to set up and enjoy our time at the new location and prevents burnout on the road.
Learn the Difference Between Gray and Black Tanks
One of the most important things to do before you leave is to learn the difference between your black tank and your gray tank. The black tanks hold sewage and should have a set of hoses and equipment set aside specifically for managing and cleaning it. The gray water tank holds any water from sinks and showers.
Don’t Forget to Roll in the Awning
Whenever you leave your RV, be sure to roll in the awning. This will help prevent wind damage or tears.
Get Storage Containers for Hoses
We recommend having a separate, marked container for your freshwater hose, water filter, and water pressure regulator. In another box, keep the black tank hose for flushing the tank and any black tank hoses for your hookup. A third box can be devoted to additional hoses for use around the campground.

Get Moisture Absorbers and a Dehumidifier
Lastly, you’ll want to get a bunch of dehumidifiers and moisture absorbers if you’re planning to stay somewhere humid. Humidity is a nightmare in an RV, but the proper equipment can help you to eliminate it completely, so you’ll be comfortable throughout your stay.
Contact us today to find the perfect RV for your RV life!