Driving Tips for RVers

Learning how to drive an RV is often a lot harder than most people expect. However, despite this difficult learning curve, there isn’t any kind of driver’s education course or instructional manual to help teach you how to handle your rig. To ensure you make it onto the open road without any kind of incident, we’ve written up a few helpful driving tips below.

Practice The Basics 

If you’re new to RV ownership, we strongly encourage you to take some time to practice driving your new rig before you make plans to hit the road. If you can, we encourage you to find an empty parking lot or residential street and practice stopping, accelerating, and turning with your RV to ensure you have the hang of its controls. Because RVs are often large and exceptionally bulky, learning to stop or turn a rig can take some real practice—but don’t give up! With patience and practice, you’ll have mastered driving an RV in no time flat!

Practice Parking and Reversing

Now that you’ve got the basics down, it’s time to start practicing some harder RV driving maneuvers. For example, parking. Parking is already quite a tricky feat for an RV, however, you’ll also need to know how to level and stabilize your rig before you can really say you know how to park it. Many RV parking spots—especially near campgrounds or nature attractions—are also especially difficult to get into, often requiring drivers to pull some sort of complicated reversal maneuver to get between the lines. Before you find yourself in a parking pickle, we recommend putting out a few cones near your home to practice reversing into a spot. Once you’ve got the hang of this, you’ll want to grab your bubble level and wheel chocks to give stabilizing your RV a try as well. 

Still searching for the perfect RV to take on your next family vacation? Then be sure to visit us here at Wolds RV Sales to browse our impressive stock of models for sale! Whether you’re looking for a convenient truck camper or a luxurious fifth wheel, we’ve got everything you need at our location here in Detroit Lakes, MN.

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