Common RV Problems and Solutions

RVs offer you a perfect escape from the mundane regardless of whether you undertake a short weekend trip or an extended one. However, as with most machines, your recreational vehicle, too, is prone to an occasional snag. Sometimes, these snags can turn worrisome, jeopardize your safety, and prompt you to cut your trip short. These are issues other than the hassles of visiting a service department nearby for costly repairs.

To avoid these common problems, we’re providing the solutions here. Keep reading them to learn more, then visit Wolds RV Sales in Detroit Lakes, MN.

Tire Blowout

An RV’s tires carry a lot of weight – vehicle, cargo, and weight of the passengers. Add to this the impact they endure while you’re driving over bumpy and worn-out roads. Naturally, these lead to their premature loss of tread, and eventually, they may blow out.

To avoid such a situation, you’ll want to install a tire pressure monitoring system. It will alert you when the tires begin to lose air and help you prevent an accident due to a blow out. As a safety measure, have a spare tire on your rig and maintain the manufacturer-recommended pressure.

If you notice that your RV’s tires are regularly losing air, connect with our service department to get the issue resolved.

Exterior Damage

The roof and walls of your camper are prone to damage from low-hanging branches, scraping from debris on bumpy roads, and extreme weather conditions. Even though the exterior isn’t fragile, several trips in the summer in the same vehicle can take a toll on it.

To prevent exterior damage on your RV, you’ll want to regularly wash and maintain the roof and walls. Proactive inspection of the rig can help you identify these issues, which you can fix to prevent further damage. You’ll also want to cover the vehicle when it’s not in use, drive slowly around corners, and be cautious of low branches.

Battery Failure

Malfunctioning RV batteries can kill the experience of your camping trip. Without them, you won’t be able to enjoy the amenities of your rig and will end up making a costly replacement. So, to ensure that the batteries don’t fail while you’re exploring your favorite destination, make sure that you maintain them well.

When your RV is not in use, disconnect the battery cables and conserve energy. You may also want to hook the battery to a tender if you intend to store it away for the winter. This will prevent loss of charge and keep it fresh when you take it out of storage.

We hope these tips help you in preventing the common RV problems that trouble most camper owners. If you still need help to service your rig or get a part replaced, head to Wolds RV Sales in Detroit Lakes, MN. Our service experts can offer you just the fixes you need and help you upgrade your rig if you intend purchasing a new one. We’re happy to serve our customers in Mobile and Grand Bay.

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